Ride for Pride - my ONLY fundraising blog post this year!

​This June 20, I am participating in the Ride for Pride, a major annual fundraiser for the Gay Alliance of Genesee Valley.

I started volunteering with the GAGV in 2011, and it has been an enormous help to me in understanding how our nation must evolve toward its goals of truly treating all people with equality and dignity. Your support would mean the world to me as we continue with the civil rights struggle of our lifetime.

Also: imagine me hauling my plump carcass around the roads of our area for 50 miles! That's gotta be worth something!

I will not hound you: this is the only blog entry I will devote to the topic. A widget on the main page is tracking donations against my goal.  I hope you can consider a donation of any size at all, it is all warmly appreciated.

My fundraising page is here.  ​Thank you for your indulgence.​