stupid (6)

David F

There's no Lash like a Backlash

I am starting to think that it really is the bigots' last stand. Which certainly has the potential to get ugly - as well-armed as they are. Still, things do seem to be moving in the right direction. First off, Franklin Graham moved his money…

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David F

Do you own your car?

Or does GM? I'm not referring here to leasing vs. buying. I am referring to the fact that GM has recently declared that only mechanics they license are allowed to work on "your" car. And if you take it to another mechanic, or use less-expensive…

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David F

Biometrics Are NOT Passwords, Dammit!

Today in Stupid Extensions of Biometric Authentication: this item from Sophos. Brainprints will apparently be the new fingerprints. Here is what the press (and from the looks of it, half the security industry) seems unable or unwilling to get: you cannot change your biometrics. You…

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