security (20)

David F

Exam Time!

If you're a student and you're reading this, I just made you clench a little with that title, didn't I?  Well, here's some news you can use: it never really goes away. Ten years ago next month, I sat for the CISSP exam.  Being a…

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David F

Day Against DRM

"Digital Rights Management" is one of those things that sounds so benign.  Like "Patriot Act".  In fact, DRM is a willful effort to make sure that your computer is not really your property, and that legitimate uses of it are under control of the corporations…

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David F

Sony: The Gift that Keeps On Giving

As you may recall, late last fall, Sony Pictures Entertainment acknowledged that their entire IT infrastructure had been severely breached.  At the time, the attackers were announced to be the North Koreans.  But serious analysis absent political axes to grind has put that conclusion in…

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David F

The price of free games

What price do we pay to play our favorite games?  Especially the "free" ones? Privacy.  It's not that we don't value it.  We do; we treat it as currency.  And it's sobering how lavishly we spend it. I just sampled the permissions requested by the…

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David F

Tech To-Do List

My home tech to-do list (in no particular order) Network Zones: I would like three segregated network zones in our home LAN.  One for our general purpose computers, one for our Android and BlackBerry devices, and one for our printers and connected entertainment boxes (Roku,…

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