Spoiler Alert: Government Spy Agencies Might Be Lying

UK intelligence agencies are claiming that they are having to move agents who are endangered in the field, and according to this report the reason is... Edward Snowden!

I must say, this has the stink of the barnyard.  Information about the nature of surveillance programs, which is what Snowden revealed, is so far from operational info about field agents that it might as well be the 1997 Minnesota Twins' box scores.  If agencies are having their networks compromised they should look to the flaws in their protocols that allowed Snowden to take any files out, not to the actual files Snowden took out.

Assuming they are not flat-out lying about having to roll up field networks (a BIG-ass-umption), they are simply scapegoating the man they love to hate.

The Chinese just breached a carload of US government data from security clearance applications. So now they know:

  • Who has clearance
  • At what level
  • What is all the garbage those people had in their background that had to be vetted out to give them the clearance.

Now which one is more likely to have compromised field agents?  That?  Or a detailed description of how Verizon rolls over and gives the gov't all your call data?

But wait - what could the government POSSIBLY want with distracting you from the Chinese breach and turning attention back on Snowden?  Such a mystery.