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David F


Been mulching a little patch of garden. The pleasant surprise of the day: how light a bag of mulch is. Compared to, say, a bag of growing soil. Growing soil should be sold bundled with ibuprofen. Gardening still takes a lot out of a person,…

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David F


Okay, I guess it's better than if they fully embraced the gilded age redux that we live in. But tell me again, what does this really accomplish? How many years of college does it need to wear a shirt that offers to mechanically sodomize the…

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David F

Rambling Sunday Post about Exercise

Exercise is better to me when I'm actually accomplishing something as I work out.  A real bicycle on the roads is far better than an exercycle.  Running or walking around the city is far better than a treadmill.  Actually going up the steps to my…

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David F

No Post Today. Just Post-It Notes.

I can't write a blog post today so here is the text of a collection  of Post-It Notes I found laying around the old bloggery. Yes, President Obama said “nigger” during an interview  this week.  The word exists and people (obviously) still do not understand…

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David F

Jeb! The Donald! Notes from the Clown Car

Notes from the Republican clown car... or as they like to think of it, presidential campaign. Jeb Bush has been running for the office ever since he noticed that his brother W (for "Worst-ever") did not actually get indicted for treason.  But he's afraid that people…

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