privilege (7)

David F

Law of the Land?

A Supreme Court decision is the Law of the Land, unless Christian bigots dislike what the court says. The Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, probably doesn't really give a damn who marries whom.  But he's no stranger to what works in Texas politics, and…

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David F

What if all consent worked like this?

The everydayfeminism blog imagines, what if all consent worked the way rape culture assumes sexual consent works? Here's an example: But go -- read the whole darn thing. Men (and yes, it's primarily, almost exclusively men) who take the liberties described in this series of illustrations need…

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David F

Community Policing

John Perry Barlow recently tweeted this picture. When I was a kid, I was taught that if I was in any kind of trouble out there, the best sight I could hope to see would be a policeman. But the experience of black kids my age…

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