
Parody is not dead but it sure is having a rough year.

When a straight-up retelling of actual events reads like over-the-top political satire, what is a parodist to do?  Example:

Is that from the imagination of a cartoonist looking to lampoon?  Or the field notes of a befuddled political scientist looking to make sense of 2017 USA?  Are they different things, anymore?

Well, here comes another to try valiantly as it may.  Veep is coming back for a sixth season.  I can't help thinking that losing the election and returning to civilian life was a great stopping point for the series, but somehow the show-runners failed to consult me.  So now, into the maelstrom of absurdity that is our daily non-fake news... they toss another season of....

I hope it turns out well.  I will be watching.
