Masculinity (15)

David F

God, Ultimate Alpha Male

In a new book, Alpha God: The Psychology of Religious Violence and Oppression, Hector A. Garcia explores the similarities between the ideas of God in the Abrahamic religions, and the mechanisms primate communities in general use to establish a social dominance hierarchy. It should come as…

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David F

Not meant to offend

A Knoxville, TN church put up this sign and then had the temerity to be shocked that someone would take it the wrong way. In the news story Andy Henry was quoted as saying, "It's clearly a sign that was meant to offend a particular community…

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David F

Movie Plot Threats

Bruce Schneier runs this annual contest called the Movie Plot Threat contest.  The idea is to poke fun at the way a lot of "security" is done, where instead of reducing real components of vulnerability like attack surface or complexity, people concoct insanely specific scenarios…

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David F

Drunk dad advice

This Kids in the Hall video is unserious, but it makes some serious points. Chad doesn't know where they're going, but he knows.  He's being fitted for his own little manbox, and he can't say it's unexpected -- he's been shown this box since he…

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David F

Prisoner of the Manbox

The manbox does not give up its captives lightly. Consider Andrew O'Hagan, who wrote this tragic piece for the NY Times magazine a couple weeks ago. O'Hagan has got the weepies, he's got 'em bad. He's not allowed to smoke or absorb other carcinogens or eat bags…

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