insanity (4)

David F

The Business Model of NSA Apologists

Mark Felt, in his Deep Throat incarnation, told Woodward, "follow the money."  Woodward paid attention to this should-be-obvious advice and the Nixon presidency was cooked. Today, the biggest inside-out rot comes from the NSA, the CIA, and their unlimited surveillance feeding codependency with paranoia about…

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David F

In it for the Money

As I wrote earlier, the typical Republican presidential candidate has no real hope of getting the nomination, let alone the Presidency. But this article from the Wall Street Journal makes it plain that they are still quite rational to pretend. Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson…

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David F

Ann Coulter - Prankster

There's simply no way Ann Coulter truly, sincerely believes all the insane garbage she spews.  It has to be some kind of massive prank, or a bet, or a bizarre tontine of... ludicrous hateful statements, maybe? Anyway the latest flood of her verbal sewage suggests that…

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David F

Wear Orange!

Today is National Gun Violence Awareness Day.  I am wearing orange to mark it. The NRA promotes gun ownership and "open carry" idiocy as a response to what it calls "culture war."  Make no mistake, what it means by "culture war" is: non-whites. Watch this…

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