atheism (17)

David F

Betty Explains Religious Freedom

Religious freedom: Only for privileged religions, if you follow the Christian conservative rhetoric in the USA.  Here, the privileged religion is Christianity.  Over in most of the Middle East, it's Islam. They have more in common than you'd think, and could benefit well from comparing…

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David F

Why to pray. Or something.

Pre-enlightenment, I was an Orthodox Jew. Orthodox Jewish prayer would probably strike most Christians as very odd. It consists of three prayer services a day (more on Sabbath and Holidays), and literally hundreds of pages of prescribed liturgy that must be said word for word…

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David F

"Stuff" Religious People Say

It all began from this meme, originally shared by +Al Acton via +Dezzi The Humanist. I thought I would do a count-down style list of reactions to these things. Part way through, someone told me about her experience with one item not on the list and…

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David F

"It's all part of God's plan"

"It's all part of God's plan" is something I have heard religious people say to people who have just suffered some very negative life event. Anything from a bad breakup, to a fire or other disaster, all the way to the death of a family…

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