Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The 9/11 Terrorists' Trial

Remember that? Remember how the 9/11 terrorists all managed to survive crashing airplanes into stuff? And were then arrested and given a fair trial? The Pumpkin is not insane and he is not connecting with alternate historical timelines. The Pumpkin is actively engaged in making…

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David F

News Wants To Choose

The persistent downplaying of Bernie's candidacy as plausible by our "impartial" news media shows them to be partial indeed. Partial to the preservation of capitalism. At least Biden won't be Putin's stooge. So I will never NOT vote Blue in the general. But I am…

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David F

Rogers That!

Rob Rogers is the cartoonist who was fired from a 25-year career at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for drawing "unflattering" cartoons of Pumpkin. Now he draws at The Nib, among other things. Yay, Nib!

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