30 Day Challenge
I have been having fun with this on Pluspora, a Diaspora pod. I never really expected to get into this but it has kind of taken on a life of its own. And I get to share with dozen of readers, a detailed look at…
Continue reading...Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day
I have been having fun with this on Pluspora, a Diaspora pod. I never really expected to get into this but it has kind of taken on a life of its own. And I get to share with dozen of readers, a detailed look at…
Continue reading...Parody remains impossible
Continue reading...Kobe Bryant died today, which is sad, yes. But one thing I found really quite disturbing was this page that turned up when I searched for the news about it: That page was here: https://en.mediamass.net/people/kobe-bryant/deathhoax.html (which I have disabled as a link because I wonder…
Continue reading...Makes sense to me. Vultures, ICE and CBP. Pumpkin not happy until brown bodies litter the ground. Except the undocumented ones cleaning toilets at Mar-A-Lago, of course. Those should keep out of sight.
Continue reading...Another one - like Pink Floyd's Mother - that is only a waltz in sections. Still. Even before I knew I loved waltzes, I knew I loved this song.
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