Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Strange Flavors

We got this box of jellybeans at Wegmans today. I am not sure "Spiced" is the right word for these. What these jellybeans' flavors are is, a bit unexpected. The green, for example, is spearmint and not lime. The red ones really threw me at…

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David F

How Technical Should You Be?

From time to time I write about techie topics here, or over on Safer Computing. But a level up, the question that occurs to me is, how technical should I be? More to the point, how technical should I have to be? There are a…

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David F

The Essence of Good Cooking

Today's SMBC: To quote Anthony Bourdain: “Poverty is the great engine of gastronomy. It takes deprivation to make chicken feet into something good.” Bourdain, quoted here Anyone can make the best cut of meat from the animal taste good. It's yours to screw up. Making…

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David F


Holy crap. I did not expect this to get to the level it did. "We" are to blame, but outside influences are indeed trying to tip things the wrong way, and the oligarchs in this country are inclined to let them.

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