Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

OMG So Late To The Party

This should have gone up yesterday I read that die-hard Pumpkinheads are shaking hands deliberately to "debunk" all the fake news of this Corona virus thing. That should not make me happy Tant pis.

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David F

Sprung Forward

We do this twice a year, despite the fact that a survey shows that 70% of us hate it. Fatal car crashes spike after the change every year. The candy*, golf, oil and retail industries lobby for it. The people hate it. We have a…

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David F


My parents grew up in Yiddish-speaking households. Their English is unaccented, because they went to public schools. They spoke Yiddish between themselves when they didn't want "the kids" to understand, but of course, we did. Later in life I came to understand that speaking Yiddish…

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David F

NOW I'm Scared

Pence is now in charge of the US response to COVID-19 aka Coronavirus. This is beyond frightening. A man who fully credits the wilful ignorance known as religion as the #1 guiding force in his life and his work. Here's his first action as your…

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