Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

How Deep

You wonder how deep Rethuglican shamelessness can go. Keep wondering. I assure you, we are not yet even close to hitting bottom. They are not likely to DE-escalate between now and Nov 3, are they?

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David F

Soon After Midnight

When you go to a Bob Dylan show you never know which Dylan you're going to get. I have been to two. One was raspy and incoherent, and one burned the house down (in the best possible way).

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David F


Theocracy is not the final goal of the ones at the top. Fascism and unfettered greed is. But theocracy is the way they can sell it to the rubes. And those of us with working brain cells, and less than 10⁸ dollars, are stuck in…

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David F

This Election...

Terrorism is here. It is no longer international news to cluck our teeth about watching the news. This week the FBI busted up a plot to kidnap the Democratic Governor of Michigan. This is not a movie. Now just imagine the "poll-watchers" that this orange…

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