Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The Last M*A*S*H

We've been re-watching old series. The latest one we took up was M*A*S*H. Have you (re-)watched M*A*S*H recently? Did you remember, before you started to watch again, how incredibly sad it is? Not just the last one, either. Every damn episode.

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David F


What is the world we live in? Post-hypocrisy? But wait - there's more. Post-truth. Post-democracy. Post-conscience. There's your Rethuglican platform, dear reader. Hypocrisy is fine when they do it. And for their purposes, truth, democracy, and conscience are all obsolete.

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David F

Two Weeks

Two weeks from today the counting begins. The Rethuglicans are doing everything they can to make sure it's chaotic and inconclusive. They figure that will allow them to claim whatever result they feel like claiming. They are also trying to ram in a fifth toady…

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David F

Planning to Vote

As in really making plans... This is 100% the result of allowing politicians -- desperate, like cornered rats -- to have any influence on election logistics. This is how democracy dies: suicide.

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