Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


It should be noted that a big, big reason the networks did not call Pumpkin on his bullshit for most of his reign of terror, was that he kept bringing them the eyeballs. So his freedom to whip up the amount of hatred, racism and…

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David F


The Onion is a satirical news website that is the only place you can go to read this recurring nightmare as it truly is. My apologies... I'm tired. So tired. By the way... this is seven days in a row with mass shooting, 'Murkkka. Keep…

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David F

The Hate Business is Booming

Pumpkin really knew the issue that would get Joe Sixpack off the couch, didn't he? In a disgustingly predictable development, the (Pumpkin-appointed) FBI director has said, "it does not appear motive was racially motivated." Yeah, he just had a bad day. A huge component of…

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David F

Murder by Numbers

One of my favorite bands. I think I can count on my fingers the number of solo acts that I like who came from bands I also like. And if you scoop out all the Beatles it's reduced by half. But Sting is definitely on…

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