Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Get Jabbed

The vaccine against COVID-19 is available to most now. Get it. Of course, in their bid to keep a perfect streak alive of being idiotic and anti-life, the Rethuglicans are tossing around reasons not to. Check out the rest of their arguments -- the one…

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David F

Hi Lili

You will not expect this song to stay with you. You will be wrong. Some good covers have been made, which is also kind of unexpected for a sappy song from a 1953 movie. One example:

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David F


Remember Dr. Birx? She was the one that Pumpkin used to replace Fauci, in order to give his lies and idiocy about COVID-19 some dusting of scientific legitimacy. But the poor thing, she had to have a very uncomfortable phone call with the presi-dink after…

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