Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Pre-Paid Patriotism

While we know that a volunteer military has to advertise to gain recruits, advertising is usually identifiable as such.  But team outpourings of patriotic fervor: the "hometown hero" demonstrations on the fields before and during games, the flyovers, the hilariously large flags and so on...

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David F


Wireless Car Locks are designed for convenience.  Yours, and also car thieves'. In this NYT story, the author describes why he now keeps his car keys in the freezer: He's now using the freezer as a Faraday cage to prevent this - his Prius had…

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David F

Exam Time!

If you're a student and you're reading this, I just made you clench a little with that title, didn't I?  Well, here's some news you can use: it never really goes away. Ten years ago next month, I sat for the CISSP exam.  Being a…

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