Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Government Provolone

Republicans blame the poor for being poor.  After creating income inequality unprecedented outside of feudal societies, the Wisconsin GOP legislature wants to institute a bunch of restrictions on what people can buy with their food assistance. No fresh Mozz for teh poors!  That's what you…

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David F

Day Against DRM

"Digital Rights Management" is one of those things that sounds so benign.  Like "Patriot Act".  In fact, DRM is a willful effort to make sure that your computer is not really your property, and that legitimate uses of it are under control of the corporations…

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David F

What's Freedom of Speech Worth?

"It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that sting." --Apologies to Duke Ellington. It's a truism that if it does not protect offensive speech by offensive people, freedom of speech is trivial. What happened when Islamophobic bigot Pam Geller organized a "Mohammed Cartoon…

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David F

Security is a Pain

I set out this weekend to figure out how to get PRTG Network Monitor to tell me the Internet bandwidth being used by our various machines, and where on the internet all that data is coming from or going to.  In order to get that…

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