Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Back Doors are for Bad Guys

The UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, says he's going to ban strong encryption within his country. Somehow this is going to make everyone safe from terrorists. I have some questions: When that notoriously left-wing publication, Forbes, caught up with Internet security expert Bruce Schneier for his…

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David F

Only the NY Times Could Write This Headline

Colorado’s Effort Against Teenage Pregnancies Is a Startling Success This is Colorado's approach to anti-abortion, and it's working great. A reality based program: How is this startling? Who at the NY Times was surprised this would work? When women have a choice, they choose a…

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David F

Furnishing the New Home

Welcome to the new home of this blog; I'm glad you found your way here. There's work to do yet setting up all the features exactly as I want, but I think it's close enough to ready to take it out for a spin and…

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David F

Good Slave-Owners

A little bit of a disturbing story by Margaret Biser on Vox about her experiences as a tour guide on a former slave-owning plantation. Even visitors to a plantation famous for how slaves built it and operated it don't want to hear about how slavery was not…

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