Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Breaking News

I have been waiting to comment on this again until after the last trial host has run their run, but Variety just broke this news: Mike Richards is in "advanced negotiations" to be the next permanent host of Jeopardy! I have been maintaining my rankings…

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David F

Still Crazy

I was looking for a solid video of Paul Simon playing this song. I serendipitously found something much, much better. "But I would not be convicted by a jury of my peers" Indeed.

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David F

Spam Uptick

I have noticed a great uptick in political fundraising spam lately. Four to twelve times a day, Stacey Abrams, Mitch McConnell, and Josh Hawley are alternately furious and ecstatic in my inbox. President Obama breaks his silence three or four times a week. All for…

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David F

Gert Snuggles

Here's how I spend three or four 10-minute chunks of time every morning. Gertrude chooses the time and duration of these moments. When she is done suggling (with 70dB of purr, I might add, right in the left ear thankyouverymuch), she moves over to the…

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David F


If Rethuglicans were only trying to destroy themselves, I would say we should back off and watch the Darwinian fun. But they want to take the nation down with them. That's why I'm actually kind of excited for this possibility: a "divorce" that splits the…

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