Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Six Months

Six months ago, I opened up a blank Blogspot window and said, Hello World. The next day, I committed to post at least something every day. After a while Blogspot felt like training wheels, so I took them off about a month ago. Here are a few…

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David F

But Viagra will be Covered in Full

Republicans in Congress is trying to kill the family planning program call Title X. Why? To prevent abortions, they say. What does Title X do? Prevents 345,000 abortions a year. Why do Republicans want to kill it? Did some crazy left-wing pinko of a Democrat…

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David F

Pub Crawl... err... Pedal

photo by Jill Frier We did a Pub Crawl the other night. Together with six other people, we pedal-powered the Seussian-looking vehicle you see here around the streets of downtown Rochester, to the sound of cheers and hoots and laughter from onlookers. We stopped at…

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