Pub Crawl... err... Pedal

photo by Jill Frier
photo by Jill Frier

We did a Pub Crawl the other night.  Together with six other people, we pedal-powered the Seussian-looking vehicle you see here around the streets of downtown Rochester, to the sound of cheers and hoots and laughter from onlookers.  We stopped at a craft brewery where we did not like the beer, a Belgian-themed bar where we did, and a dive-bar where we gave up on beer in favor of tall cool things like gin and tonic, and rum and Coke.  The wings there were brilliant.

The other six folks on the tour with us would probably satisfy the expression, Σ(our ages) ≅ Σ(their ages).  Not exactly, because they were all served at the bars, but not off by much.  Meh.  Age is just a number.  Everyone had a huge blast.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F