Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

States' Rights, My Ass

Did you know that the War of Northern Aggression (I picture an invading horde of angry Swedes but that's just me) was a nefarious attempt by the Federals to snuff out the rights of the States? Nothing whatsoever to do with slavery; that must just…

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David F

Atheism Isn't the Answer

Someone read this post and watched the video, and came back all huffy, "After my epistemology is riddled with doubt, what does the atheist answer to the question of evil...?" Wow, if I were ready to provide neatly packaged answers to questions like that, I'd…

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David F

USDA Declares Humans Invasive Species

According to a new report released by the US Department of Agriculture, Homo sapiens (common name, "Human") is an invasive species that is greatly endangering the indigenous wildlife and ecology of the North American continent. Unlike indigenous species, invasive species did not evolve in the…

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