Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

I Honestly Had No Idea...

...what an absolutely horrible, horrible person this was. Her paroxysms at 2:00 spoke to me of, "Oh, how rich these rubes are going to make me!" Honorable Mention in the evil troll category goes to Mike Huckabee, who thinks he's running for PresidentĀ but is clearly…

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David F

Passive-Aggressive Tennessee Judges are the WORST

"If I can't have everything my way, I'm not doing ANYTHING!" Does this sound like a 12-year-old in serious need of negative attention? who knew a 12-year-old could be a family court judge? MeetĀ Hamilton County (TN) Chancellor Jeffrey Atherton. He has decided to stop processing…

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David F

Happy Labor Day

Bernie Sanders joined a picket line in Iowa the other day. Robert Reich said that the last presidential candidate he could remember seeing on a picket line was RFK. "Card-carrying member of the ACLU" is a curse Republicans like to throw at Democrats. The Republicans…

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