Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The Password is Dead -- Long Live the Password

A password is a string of characters or words, known by a person, kept secret, that authenticates that person as being someone authorized to gain access to something. The idea of passwords is an ancient one: think of sentries for thousands of years yelling, “Halt, who goes…

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David F

New Ingress Items Coming

The next version of the Ingress Scanner to hit your phones & tablets will be 1.83.1. A big jump from the 1.81.0 you're running now, and boy does it show. FEV Games did a tear-down of the new version and found a bunch of both newly-…

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David F

Donald Trump Hates America!

Right now, the only possible logical implication of the message on the hat is that he must think it's not so great. What, if anything, does he propose to do about it? Andrew Shepherd (yes, a character in an Aaron Sorkin liberal fantasy, but dude…

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David F

SF Rock'n'Roll

A space explorer takes a voyage to find new planets for us to colonize, and sacrifices the life he knew. Though it doesn't get ranked highly as things like Rocket Man or Space Oddity, this is far and away the greatest science-fiction rock song in…

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