Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Where the Gun Deaths Are

click through for the interactive version So it turns out that, more guns do not make anyone safer. Rather, the contrary. NRA Death Eater proclamations notwithstanding. Look where the death rate from guns is the worst: the former Confederacy and the Wild West. Except for…

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David F

Proud to be a Hacker

I was talking with some people this morning at the Rochester Security Summit, and one person said, "I have a problem with the Certified Ethical Hacker - it's a contradiction in terms!" This really pushed my button. Clearly the fellow equates "hacker" with "criminal." This is…

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David F

Impressions from a Different Ingress Op

A blue blankie for Western NY Operation PapaSmurf went off in the very early hours of October 4. Planning for this began back in August, with the same designer/planner who'd done the previous Ingress BAF operation I have blogged about. During September, the original planner…

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David F

Never as good. Never as bad.

Buck Showalter, 100% class act The Orioles finished the season this year with an exactly .500 record, and with a sweet sweep of the Yankees. So that's pretty good. On the other hand, the Orioles will be mere spectators for the playoffs. Not so good. Just in…

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