Bits of Tid

Isn't that what tidbits are?

  • I just quoted the old con-button to someone, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."  He replied, "Oh, that must be why my wife bought me a shirt that says, 'precipitate'."  Now I'm not sure, but I think that was a pretty bad smack-down she laid on him.   BTW: If you don't know about con-buttons, look here.
  • If you haven't read why she's getting off Facebook for good this time, go right now and read this piece by Violet Blue.  We've known it was "not in our best interest" to be on Facebook but I think a lot of us looked away as much as our privilege would allow.  Which is rather more than most in my case, at least.
  • I laughed at quite a few of the observations of the US by a Brit that the Guardian published today.  When he finally gave up on getting a proper cup of tea, he found out we're actually competent here at brewing coffee.  It doesn't make up for some other things, but still.  It's nice.

Out of tid, more bits and bobs soon!

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F