Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

One More Puzzle!

Who loves puzzles? I love puzzles! I especially love making puzzles. So I made this one for you to solve. Submit the correct answer to today's puzzle for a delightful prize. This is a picture puzzle: the image will lead you to the instructions on…

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David F

The NRA Wins Again

This will not surprise anyone who follows these things: fear of terrorism and hatred of the man in the White House are driving gun sales in this country to yet another record level. The Times has all the sad details. As I wrote yesterday about the stupid…

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David F

How About those Oregon Jamokes?

I like this hot take on the idiots occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Oregon. Don't call them terrorists. The only terror these morons should inspire is the exact same terror you should feel if you see a toddler who's somehow gotten hold of a…

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David F

I Miss Freddie

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF8QWSW0UbY Nobody who's tried to sing a rock song since can compare. Bonus clip (should start at 20:00) https://youtu.be/8PdpHz8JNTo?t=20m00s

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David F

George Lucas on Slavery

The man who put Leia in a slave bikini ought to know. I figured it was only a matter of time before he shot his mouth... and foot... off about the first Star Wars feature since he swapped creative control over the franchise for a…

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