Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Assume Goodwill

When I read this lament, I was immediately reminded of something we were taught emphatically at Speak-Out training by the GAGV. Assume goodwill. When someone says something that can be taken as offensive, even discriminatory, assume they are misinformed. Take an opportunity to help them…

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David F

Man Seeking Woman

This is a series on FXX that is so out there I think most people will either love it or hate it. https://youtu.be/yRm3b4qMwbI Am I whacko for liking this? It's often so weird I am thinking, WTF am I watching? But every now and then…

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David F

One of my Guilty Pleasures

Maybe his jokes that would be classed as "problematic" today, remind me how far away from this I have come. But this is where I come from. This is the humor I was raised on. https://youtu.be/roAWodrsZXI One of his lesser-known tracks. This is superficially about…

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David F

Prayers for Dawkins?

https://twitter.com/c_of_e/status/698249409663000577 Actually... why not? It's not being offered as a substitute for something else they could be doing. Prof. Dawkins (who suffered a stroke last week) is already getting fine care and seems on the road to recovery. This is simply their vernacular for "We're…

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David F

Funeral for a Friend

Sometimes rock music needed to be about subjects neither fluffy nor maudlin. Sometimes just plain raw life would intervene on even the AM radio. https://youtu.be/vqNkMnLD_uE

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