Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Spring? Forward?

Daylight Savings Time starts tomorrow [yes, Sunday morning, but tomorrow night. I know, I know. Yeesh, people.]. We will probably never be rid of this idiotic institution for the same reason we will never be rid of the plague of idiotic gun ownership in this…

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David F

Go, go, gone

Google's Deepmind has now beaten the grandmaster Lee Sedol in two of the three games necessary to take the best-of-five Go match. I think this is a better test of AI than the Turing Test. The Turing Test is not nearly as well-defined, and is more…

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David F

Hacker Battleship Toolkit

BSides is fast approaching, and I was just perusing the suggested minimum toolkit for participating in the Hacker Battleship challenges. If you want to partake (and you know that you do!), then you'd better equip: ...and there's more if you venture into the Software-Defined Radio…

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