Florida Toddler Shoots Mom / NRA Calls for More Guns

You think my headline is snarky?

She is for Gun Sense!

Too bad.  There is not enough snark in the world to provide the catharsis needed after you read this story about what happened yesterday.

Her hastily-sanitized NRA-shill Facebook page (no links from here but if you must you can go see it at facebook.com/Jamie-Gilt-for-Gun-Sense-1744733205746202/ ) yesterday was boasting about how "jacked up" her son is to shoot the target with his .22.  It did not explain the protocol that would equip him with the .45 he used to shoot her from the back seat.

These people, and their enablers, are disgusting.  And America is the laughingstock of the civilized world because of them.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F