Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

We're not Talking about Peanut Butter

photo: Gage Skidmore for Weekly Standard Yesterday I unloaded on the idiocy of letting Bernie unwillingly become 2016's version of Nader and assure the election of a Republican (as Nader most certainly did in 2000). It's even worse this year because as bad as W…

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David F


I support Bernie, let's make no mistake about that. But I am all the way out of patience for the whole Bernie-or-Bust crew who say they will withhold their vote or write in Bernie if Hillary is the Dem nominee in the fall. And yet…

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David F

At BSides

it's finally here, hooray! Where else can you get thirty-some people in a room at 10 AM on a Saturday to hear a talk on The Economics of Information Security? Rochester is the geekiest place in the world, per capita.

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David F

Noticing Privilege, Part #3,902

I am attending an event soon and I was asking one of the people familiar with the higher-education venue about the WiFi arrangements. Because, as you know, the true Maslow hierarchy has connectivity just above oxygen and water. What? I asked, You mean it will…

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David F

Tubman In! Jackson Out!

Woo hoo! The $20 will be redesigned to feature Harriet Tubman, instead of the vile racist Andrew Jackson. When I wrote this post last March, I was definitely pessimistic that something like this would happen. So here we go and I am glad to be proven wrong…

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