Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Trump's Campaign Spending

Jeff Swensen/Getty Images I have said before that the Republican Clown Car of boobs and villains that started this election cycle was -- in large part -- a way for a lot of marginal conservative grifters to cash out upon quitting. Speaking fees, book deals,…

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David F

You Might Think

I did like this song... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9usfLra39Y It's kind of creepy now, though, and I am not 100% sure why yet. inspired by this.

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David F

Idiocracy, U.K. Edition

Brexit passed - the UK has voted to leave the EU. As predicted by exactly everyone with a working brain cell, financial markets are panicked. The Pound is at a 31-year low. Well-deserved, one is tempted to say, but of course the architects and profiteers…

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David F

Enough with the Surveys!

Coping Strategies for YET ANOTHER SURVEY! Photo by Joey Sforza / Unsplash OK, all you drug stores, fast food outlets, online shopping sites, professional organizations, etc. Just stop already with the surveys! Here's what you think you're going to get: Unbiased and fresh reactions from…

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David F


. . . they will be in evidence all across America, especially in the Yee-Haw States, as we move toward Election Day. It's good when bigots out themselves, yes... but be careful! Some of these pieces of... snot... will get elected.

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