Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The Eisenhower Matrix

Today I found a nice write-up by James Clear on what is variously known as the Eisenhower Matrix, or Box. I have been trying to use this for years, but of course the nature of urgent things is to damage your ability to focus on things that are…

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David F


With Bernie endorsing Hillary yesterday, a fresh spate of #BernieOrBust stupidity has broken out on social media. This morning I was informed in no uncertain terms that supporting Hillary would lead to the election of Trump, but continuing down the path of writing in Bernie…

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David F

Stand with Bernie!

Bernie Sanders & Hillary Clinton arrive for a rally in Portsmouth, N.H., Tuesday, July 12, 2016. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Stronger together indeed. I hope that there are very, very few left who think that if we can't have Bernie for President, we somehow "deserve" Trump.

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David F

Pink Fluffy Unicorns...

In the face of all evidence that the world is basically going to shit, I offer: https://youtu.be/a-xWhG4UU_Y Please note that I withheld the 1-hour and 10-hour versions of this. I am keeping those in reserve, in case of giant meteor, Trump presidency, or similar apocalypse.

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