Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Well - this never gets old

Well - this never gets old. Oh, wait, yes it does. Soccer was played on our baseball field at Frontier Field again last night, and it was a mess. Rochester has soccer teams. We love our soccer teams - a lot. We love them so…

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David F

Which Beatle...?

...has had the most successful solo carreer? This one: Who knew? People always think of the other three but they all joined or formed other bands. Key word: solo. https://youtu.be/bvEexTomE1I source: My desire to start friendly arguments.

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David F

Something Cool After a Few Hot Days

Posted on Facebook July 4 at 9:40AM (Yes, I linked to Facebook) NEVER engage the perpetrator. He (and it is usually he) is looking for confrontation. Instead speak to the person he is abusing. Say hello. Introduce yourself. Shake his or her hand. And just stand…

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David F

We All Know

I have a YouTube video for you today. Not the one of Alton Sterling's execution for selling CDs in a parking lot, or Philando Castile's slaughter because of a broken tail-light. No blood or violence is shown. Go ahead: play the 59-second video. https://youtu.be/4yrg7vV4a5o Nobody in…

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