Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Dahell Did We Just Watch?

Doonesbury today The Trump strategy is plain: Stoke fear and discord. Fear and discord will get us a President Trump. I don't have the sense he's even sure what he wants to be President for, but there's no doubt that Vladimir Putin wants that very…

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David F


Been a while since I have been in one of these. In fact, the last one I was in was called The Price Club. But we've got a new (-ish) one here in Rochester, and we're hearing tales of a responsible corporate citizen who Does…

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David F


Who dropped the ball on telling me about this last year? https://youtu.be/g6gG-6Co_v4 This is the only show of this genre I have ever seen where the tech discourse is, at least, plausible. No spoilers please. Catching up through S1.

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