Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Safety Pin

 After Brexit achieved what is now the second-most idiotic and self-destructive political outcome of recent decades, many immigrants and other vulnerable people in the UK were fearful for their physical as well as political safety. Decent people started wearing safety pins as a visible signal…

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David F

Standing Against Hate in Rochester

Hate crimes, encouraged and emboldened by the apparent electoral college victory of President Pumpkin, have sparked to life here in Rochester, NY. Rainbow flags, displayed outside private homes, have been burned. NOT ACCEPTABLE! This is the home of Frederick Douglass, and Susan B. Anthony. This…

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David F


...for whom, exactly? https://youtu.be/vBecM3CQVD8 Once again this morning, I entertained an argument from a person of good will about how the Trump voters are the great mass of poor misunderstood unheard inarticulate victims of some unspecified wrong, and we need to unify and build lines of…

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David F


A certainly incomplete list of Tuesday's winners: And the list of losers, also incomplete:   A lot of articles today talk about what President Pumpkin will do. The only thing I know about those articles is, they are as reliable as Tuesday morning's polls.

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David F

In a Way, This Makes Sense

Trump to America: Fuck you, you idiots! Trump is not the aberration. Obama was. Don't take my word for that, hear it from America's Nietzsche, H. L. Mencken -- Baltimore Sun (26 July 1920) Reagan... W... and now Trump! We have arrived!

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