Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Clowning Around with Fire

Trump's proposed choices for cabinet are so ludicrous you have to think they're parody. Intentional, maybe? Jerry Falwell Jr., a science denying, young-earth creationist, for Education? Jeff Sessions, whose only issue with the KKK is their pot-smoking, for AG? Ben Carson, arguably the world's stupidest…

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David F

Walking / Bopping

It was her first rock song to bop to. How do I know? She was in the Snugli I was wearing. She never gets tired of hearing about it either, my wonderful daughter Sarah. https://youtu.be/_qTHn_sxrN0 (I can hear her eyes rolling all those hundreds of miles…

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David F

Heil Trump

When I blogged this in September, people who followed my Guardian link made fun of me. Check this out in the Times. Not so funny now, is it? The neo-Nazi movement is declaring victory, and they are doing it "in the original German" because they…

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David F

The "I Don't Wanna" Post

Have you ever noticed that when someone says "I can't" it really means "I don't wanna"? I can't finish the paper in time I can't figure out how to do date arithmetic in Excel I can't meet anyone good. Some of these things might be…

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David F

Caturday Evening Post

I came across this Very Important Article Abstract: Anecdotes abound about the frequent use of the Internet to view cat-related media. Yet, research has yet to seriously address this popular culture phenomenon rooted largely in social media platforms. It is possible that viewing of online…

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