Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Too Much

There's too much to write about from the Pumpkin Patch. I don't know how people like this keep doing it. I need a break. Then I saw John Scalzi's post today, entitled: http://whatever.scalzi.com/2016/12/03/i-was-going-to-write-something-thoughtful-and-meaningful-today-but-then-i-thought-screw-it-ill-just-put-up-a-picture-of-a-cat-really-its-all-the-same-isnt-it/ And given that I have at least half as much feline-privilege as John*,…

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David F

Languages of the Roc

This neat feature was linked by the local paper today. It shows the many languages spoken around Rochester. Maybe not the first city you think of as being super-diverse? Well, then! Just a random bit of goodness. Enjoy!

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David F

F**K the Flag Tweet

"Look! A Mexican squirrel! Coming to rape your nuts!" Photo: Carlo Allegri / Reuters Please go read this excellent article from today's Atlantic. The media are being played like a fiddle. Every time he tweets something outrageous - or just plain stupid - it's to distract journalists…

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David F

Too Bad!

Daily Kos is getting some heat over this headline: Well, I say, it's time to call idiocy what it is. The fuckwits who are drawing swastikas on schools richly deserve every reaming they are about to get from this basket of deplorables going to Washington…

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David F

Gimme a K!

When I got off of Mint earlier this year, I switched to Debian. Well, having been through Cinnamon and MATE, I have given up on a desktop ever integrating very well with this fundamental server OS. It's "early days" yet, but I have to say,…

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