Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


The golden age rolls on! I have been a huge fan of Susan Sarandon since Rocky Horror Picture Show. Atlantic City. Thelma and Louise. The Banger Sisters. And that's just off the top of my head. Of course it's not really all down to Susan.

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David F

Mike Pence, Nasty POS

Mike Pence is the grandson of an immigrant, but he is willing to participate in the demonization, the scapegoating and the persecution of immigrants. Now that he's here safely, mind you. Of course, his grandpa was white, which helps. A lot. Republicans to anyone not…

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David F


outside haz a snow. inside haz a cold. I have a rotten cold, and the fourth or fifth Storm of the Century since 2010 is raging outside. I don't listen to music when I am sick because I find it too engaging, and I really…

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