Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

It Can't?

You may remember that in November, some rich asshole named Trump was appointed by the Kremlin to finish whatever destruction of this country the teabaggers had not managed yet. People who are capable of considering others, and caring about humanity for more than three years into the…

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David F

Sputnik. AYFKM?

I just read a story in The Atlantic, and I had to check that it was published today, and not last Saturday. This guy, named Lee Stranahan, ...is launching a radio show on a Russian network called Sputnik. And I bet you can't guess where…

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David F

High and Dry

I don't think anyone (except, maybe, my wife) would listen to this song and think, Boy. David would really like this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxruwoTPzdE Just shows how all over the place musical taste can be. On May 16, we're going to see Melanie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gixuWS0bb3Q OK, you might have seen…

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David F

Opening Day!

The Orioles opened at home, as they do. This year, the Blue Jays have come to town. A fun game with a great play by Toronto's Joey Bats: Man on first, one out, liner toward the RF corner and the runner commits to trying to score…

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