Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


Trump "thinks" Australia's health-care system (single-payer universal care) is fantastic, then he hosts a beer-bash with House Rethuglicans to celebrate yanking all health coverage from 24 million Americans. He also "thinks" Erdogan, Duterte and of course Putin are wonderful guys. So here's the thing. Trump…

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David F

What is a Sandwich?

A sandwich is meat and/or vegetables and/or cheese, with optional condiments, between two slices of bread or two halves of a split roll. Right? Well, maybe only if you are a structure and ingredient purist. Twitterer @mattatomic gives us the following RPG-character-alignment style grid: You…

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David F

Good Advice

What if you could turn all that Internet fractiousness to your advantage? In that spirit, I loved this advice from Anthony Bourdain: When you're about to travel somewhere unfamiliar, and you don't know anyone there for recommendations on where to eat... post a fake, positive food…

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David F

Net Neutrality on the Trump Target List

These putzes from Verizon didn't even have the courage to make this video publicly listed. What a shame that it has 4K dislikes compared to about 20 likes! Go to YouTube and help a corporate shill know what their lies are worth. https://youtu.be/q90HpijIP_Q Now go get…

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