Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Watergate on Speed

This is going too fast. Saturday Tuesday Night Massacre... White House Tapes "Tapes"... Ron Ziegler Sean Spicer having to say previous statements are non-operative the tweet speaks for itself. Nixon's fall took almost two years to complete. Trump's will take barely two months. Richard Nixon, poses,…

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David F

Richard Milhous Pumpkin

Getting rid of Nixon, finally, in 1974 was great for the country. It set back Republican troglodyte-ism for a couple of decades. Important breathing room for a lot of communities that would have been smothered. But this is different. Getting rid of this lunatic is…

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David F

Jay Smooth Wrecks my Old Posts

This guy has probably convinced me to do a top-bottom reset of how I handle it when someone says racist sh*. https://youtu.be/MbdxeFcQtaU If you look at my posts, such as Not X or Republican... Conservative... Racist they move pretty quickly from identifying racist actions to identifying…

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David F

Did Tom Tomorrow Hear?

I think Tom Tomorrow may have heard me about the near-impossibility of parody in this climate. Here is today's: He pulled off some over-the-top parody this time! Everyone knows that they won't have to kidnap anyone; they will be able to buy them on the…

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