Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Goodbye, 2021

Last installment of the calendar year! So here's a year-end listicle as is required of all the bloggers, according to Section 8 rule 34 of the Constitution. Or maybe it's the Constellation? Idano - one of those old battleships. Anyway. Without further ado, nor any…

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David F

Why are we doing this?

Why are we letting this coal lobbyist torpedo the country's last chance to escape fascism? This fucker lives on a yacht and drives a Maserati to work every day. All paid for by the coal industry (tagline, "Let's have a few more good quarters before…

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David F

An Analogy for Boxing Day

Christmas as we see it on The Hallmark Channel is an amalgam of dozens of different religious and cultural artifacts. From Roman Saturnalia, to Druid and Celtic traditions, to Coca-Cola and Macy's marketing efforts, the modern Christmas celebration is as heterogeneous and random as the…

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David F

Christmas Eve

Certain movies are not to be missed this season. Oh, by the way - not every movie that takes place in late December is a Christmas movie. Specifically... Die Hard.

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