Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The Retail Apocalypse Hits Home

The Susquehanna Trading Post is closing after over 60 years. If you have ever driven US 15 north of Harrisburg, PA you have seen the iconic, (somewhat objectionable) billboards. Questionable 1950s iconography notwithstanding, Jill and I have been occasional regulars here on our trips to…

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David F

Box Warning

You've all seen the eye-roll inducing warnings on things, warnings that should be obvious. "Don't use the blow dryer in the shower?" Why would I WANT to? Isn't that kind of missing the point of blow dryer? "Warning: [costume] cape does not enable wearer to…

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David F

Road Trip!

This is THE road-trip song https://youtu.be/g9P-Zuq_yp0 ...from THE road-trip album. Plus a bonus song! This is not a poll, like yesterday's was. This is just plain fact.

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David F

Who Are You?

I have some questions for you. * - A word about train/plane. Assume we're talking about a trip of around 300 miles (500KM). In a civilized country where train service is reasonable... so... not the USA.

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