Passwords Suck. And I Mean Yours.
Today's post is over at Safer Computing, about how to get your passwords to suck less, and how to make them matter a little less, too. Don't do this. Just don't.
Continue reading...Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day
Today's post is over at Safer Computing, about how to get your passwords to suck less, and how to make them matter a little less, too. Don't do this. Just don't.
Continue reading...Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and wildfires. The planet is spitting us out. It's kinda hard to blame it. Nevermind. Give some money for Mexico City.
Continue reading...That is what has become of the USA. Read this book - if you can manage it through your tears of frustration. "The Internet is just a series of tubes." "Climate change is a Chinese hoax." "Vaccines kill" "Mexico will pay for the wall" The…
Continue reading... Not the one I was born into; that was gone a long time ago and I really don't miss it. I'm talking about this one.
Continue reading...Good luck answering that question, even for yourself. You hear a lot of atavistic comments from people who think LGBTQ+ people somehow deserve the persecution society continues to heap upon them. And the reason they deserve it, is that they dare to place themselves where…
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