Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Knife Skills

I like to cook. Sometimes the results are better, other times, it's a learning experience. A lot of the progress I am making as a cook is down to a slow, steady improvement in knife skills. A little bit at a time, my cuts get…

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David F

Science in America

Here we have the summary of how science information is promulgated in the USA. The problem with this is that our failure - really, our refusalĀ - to understand science allows the oligarchs to configure policy any way that suits next quarter's profits. And since this…

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David F

Waltz Wednesday

As an alternating motif with Train Music Thursdays, today I start doing Waltz Wednesdays. One thing train music never is: a waltz. And though there are so many waltzes in all musical genres, from folk to heavy metal, there is One. Iconic. Waltz. https://youtu.be/D6t318FgFdc This…

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David F

Boxing Day

Very slow and lazy here today, chez-Kahomono. I made this recipe, here's hoping it tastes better than it looks. UPDATE: It tastes OK but it seems like it might be better without the ham. I wonder if British "ham" lacks the smoky and cured flavor…

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