Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Gun Control in Schools! SOLVED!

By Florida, of all states. The Florida House that refused to debate a gun control bill in front of the survivors from the Parkland school gun massacre... ...but in the same session, declared porn to be dangerous (more so than AR-15s, I guess)... ...today voted to post…

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David F


Two examples of my earliest childhood exposure to classical music were, Fantasia and our well-worn recording of the Nutcracker Suite. There's even overlap between the two, and including Waltz Wednesdays because it's this: https://youtu.be/Uss3NHf0l6U But all the videos of this waltz I have ever seen…

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David F

You Will - You Do

This series of AT&T ads from the 1990s bubbled up recently and sparked up Cory Doctorow's disdain for AT&T over Net Neutrality. Which is fine, if a bit misplaced; I think the Russian takeover of US democracy, such as it ever was, is way closer…

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David F

Lying is Hard

You have to keep track of your lies or you will self-contradict. The NYTimes has a summary of Pumpkin's lies about Russian meddling in our 2016 election. It's great because it's built as a timeline, showing how he bobs and weaves with every new development…

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